C. D. F. is not a hotel. It is our home. We live here permanently since we moved in on the 15th of July 2021.
Since then our lives continue. Though it’s been tough with a new language, change of school for our son, and some unforeseen obstacles on the way, it has just given us more experience.
The projects steadily continue as we restore the buildings, decorate the rooms, and execute new projects in the gardens.
Apart from delicate work and installations executed by professional & licenced craftmen we do much of the work here ourselfs. Every day there’s a new challenge.
In order to let C.D.F. flourish again by improving piece by piece, area by area, every working day counts. That’s why you’re probably see us working on some project while you’re here.
Looking back on footage taken since we arrived in 2021 and then seeing the results today, no matter how small or big the project, the joy and satifaction seeing the actual improvements is the greatest reward one can get, even more so if our visitors enjoy it as much.
We’ve come a long way but there is endless work to do. By giving devotion to a historical home that deserves to be preserved is something we, among other like-minded, see as a lifelong meaning. Alongside the understanding and respect for the several hundred years old buildings it is a grateful job to pass the legacy on to future generations. We hope that you will enjoy this journey with us.
We are welcoming everyone who want’s to join us to participate by just following our work on social media, or why not letting your love for gardening get a boost in the gardens during your stay.
”We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill